Building + Installing

This section refers to building and installing the core GenomicsDB executables and tools. For including published artifacts in your code, see the appropriate API docs and Examples sections.


The script is meant to work with Docker, but should work on any Linux distribution from a bash shell. Note that requires sudo-able access.

# Clone GenomicsDB and change to scripts directory
git clone && cd GenomicsDB/scripts/

# Install the prerequisites to build GenomicsDB and create a in $HOME
sudo prereqs/
source $HOME/
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME /path/to/GenomicsDB # simplest

# Build and install the include/lib/bin files to $HOME
make && make install


Docker images for GenomicsDB are published to GitHub Container Registry. This page shows the image versions available. Below we show some examples of using the docker image to interact with GenomicsDB executables.


To ingest vcfs from /path/to/vcfs to /path/to/workspace (both paths refer to paths on the host machine)

host> docker run -v /path/to/vcfs:/opt/vcfs -v /path/to/where/workspace/should/be/created:/opt/workspace_parent -u $( id -u $USER ):$( id -g $USER ) -it
docker> vcf2genomicsdb_init -w /opt/workspace_parent/workspace -S /path/to/vcfs -n 0
docker> vcf2genomicsdb /opt/workspace_parent/loader.json

To query a GenomicsDB workspace, and return the results as a VCF/gVCF:

host> docker run -v /path/to/workspace:/opt/workspace -u $( id -u $USER ):$( id -g $USER ) -it
# run with no arguments for help
docker> gt_mpi_gather
# Create a query.json file based on help
docker> gt_mpi_gather -j /path/to/query.json --produce-Broad-GVCF

CLI Tools

The CLI tools are compiled during the build process and placed in <build-dir>/tools.